Scary Movie 4

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"

Andrew Pulver
Friday April 7, 2006
The Guardian

The latest instalment of the horror spoof, whose continuing success is as terrifying as any of the movies it claims to parody. This will hold no surprises for anyone who's seen one of these before (and there appears to be a staggering number of you out there). Anna Faris brings a humour-free gormlessness to the dimwitted lead Cindy Campbell, occupying the screen through a string of weirdly disconnected scenes - a Dark Water take-off here, a The Village seeing-to there.
Strangely, it is the non-horror film War of the Worlds that provides most of the "inspiration". Otherwise it's the usual giggle-free cameo parade of sports stars, babes and rappers. The Wayans brothers are no longer involved; it's some achievement that a film can make you nostalgic for them.

achievement- osiągnięcie
cameo- niewielka rola znanego aktora
claim- twierdzić
dimwitted- głupi, bezmyślny
disconnected- oderwany
gormlessness- bezmyślność, głupota
instalment- odcinek
otherwise- w przeciwnym wypadku
provide- zapewniać, dostarczać
spoof- parodia
staggering- zdumiewający, szokujący
string- łańcuch
weirdly- dziwnie


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